Thomas M Bartol

Tom Bartol, PhD is a Computational Neuroscientist at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California for the past 33 years. His scientific research is focussed on how the biochemistry and structure of synapses in the brain form the basis of learning and memory.  


At the age of 6 I first learned that there is a part of our body that allows us to see, hear, smell, taste, touch, and think!  A spark was ignited in me at that moment and I knew that I needed to learn everything I could about the Brain.  I became a Neuroscientist.  All Human experience, perception, learning, and understanding arise from the signals sent through the synapses of brain.  My explorations of how synapses work takes me into a wondrous microscopic world of molecules, beyond the reach of vision, where the mysteries of life await discovery.  Though computer simulation and the art form of scientific visualization, with software of my own creation called MCell, I strive to bring this hidden world to light.       





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