What is it about The Road Not Taken

What is it about The Road Not Taken, Mixed Media
What is it about The Road Not Taken
I wanted the work I created to be inspired by a poem, and this being the l50 year anniversary of American Robert Frost,
and considering my ‘advanced’ stage in life, I though the poem, The Road Not Taken was path I’d take.
At this stage in my life, often I contemplate ‘what if I had gone here and not there, but ‘if I had done this and not that.’
In the long run, maybe questioning one’s path in life is not really that significant and in rereading this poem, the reader can take away whatever message works best for him/her. My life has been one of adventure, some heartache, some very joyous moments , some misery, and overall a life of regular and mundane daily habits. Even though sometimes I think, well, I just did that yesterday, and now I have to do it again!, well that’s life, and we’re lucky to have that.

Mixed Media (Paper)    12 x 0    $375.00